$30 Million to Accelerate Carbon Capture Projects in Alberta

EDMONTON, AB – A new $30 million funding opportunity will accelerate development of industrial-scale carbon capture and transportation technology solutions in Alberta. Emissions Reduction Alberta’s (ERA) Carbon Capture Kickstart: Design and Engineering call builds on Alberta’s global leadership in this space, and will fill key knowledge gaps, drive partnerships and innovation, and accelerate project financing and deployment in Alberta.

The Government of Alberta is providing $30 million to ERA from the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) fund. Jason Nixon, Alberta’s Minister of Environment and Parks, and ERA CEO, Steve MacDonald, made the announcement on Friday, January 14, 2022.

The Carbon Capture Kickstart funding competition supports pre-construction design and engineering. It is focused on site-specific carbon capture, direct air capture, and carbon transportation infrastructure. Proposals can address emissions across industrial sectors: power generation, cement production, manufacturing, oil and gas, and more. All proposals must target specific large final emitter sites in Alberta.


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