Natural Resources Internships Program


New subsidies for CICan’s Natural Resources internships are now available! Funding amounts increased as a COVID-19 Support Measure. Submit your internship application today to receive funding for this year’s program. Internships cannot exceed 8 months and must end by March 1, 2021.

Hire an intern for up to 8 months in a green job within a natural resources sector, and CICan will contribute up to 75% of the intern’s salary and funding for training expenses, to a maximum of $22,500. Don’t wait! An intern will bring new talent to your team, and you will allow them to gain meaningful work experience that produce products or services that have an environmental benefit. CICan will offer up to $30,000 to employers who hire youth in Northern and remote communities or Indigenous youth. The subsidy can cover intern training and up to 80% of their salary. Want to get involved? Contact our team for more information.


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